Thursday, April 30, 2020

Six Roles for a Death Nurse - 5/6 Activist

just following orders

Seminar: How nursing organizations are leveraging their privilege to resist concentration camps
Nursing orgs resisting concentration camps and genocide - so far, not so good


Corporate Hospice and the Hospice Industry Trade Group

searching for hospice at a place in massachusetts
Boo Boo talks $$ and non-profit hospice
Can one number tell us if this hospice is any good?
Axial tilt is the reason for the season


Sadly, not rare - #hospicefail
Hospice 101 - Part 1: Meet your nurse
New Series! Stories for Info and Edo #WhoseHospice
How to choose a hospice
Questions to ask when you're looking at a hospice
Is the hospice LGBTQ-Inclusive?
searching for hospice at a place in massachusetts
searching for hospice at a place in massachusetts, part 2

Six Roles for a Death Nurse - 5/6 Activist #NMA2020