no more mister nice guy?
If you're late to the game
I guess if Edo's not going to listen to the good stuff, we might as well drag out some horror stories.
Her's one I posted on October 10, 2017:
It's a pretty cranky piece, but it's about a pretty serious problem that persists.
I was certain to include important educational material about delirium that's simple, straightforward, and creatively presented through YouTube by noted delirium experts David Meagher and team.
When you get lemons, make a souffle.
If you want to read more about nonsense, onward...
I was surprised to see that Edo blocked me - ugh, that sounds like something out of middle school.
Still, I was surprised to see that Edo blocked me, and went over to the NHPCO website to see if maybe I could send him a note.
Hi, Edo:
I'm not sure what blocking someone on Twitter accomplishes, unless of course that someone is actually a bot.
But, seriously, I'm not a bot. I'm an expert nurse in this field, and was the primary caregiver to my wife Jeanne through her decline and death from Alzheimer's. We used outpatient palliative services and community based hospice. It was an adventure. I understand this work from both sides of the bed, and am committed to making it better.
I hope you still find a way to enjoy #WhoseHospice Stories for Info and Edo, the series I've been posting at my blog that was prompted by your request last month, when Michael reported on Twitter about how a VITAS office in Florida failed his father. You wanted accounts of hospice going "above and beyond," as well as "horror stories."
I think it's important for patients, families, clinicians, and the community to understand more about advance care planning, and their options for facing serious illness and end of life. So many ways into these topics.
Best, Jerry
I got an email response from the org's Senior Director of Communications and Digital Strategy, Amanda Bow
Dear Mr. Soucy,
Thanks for reaching out to us at We are always interested in learning more about the experiences hospice patients and families have, both the good and the bad. I appreciate your expertise and commitment to improving hospice and palliative care. We support the hospice and palliative care community and we advocate for quality, compassionate, and compliant care. With that, we also know how important it is to increase transparency and education, and we are working with many folks to make that happen.
If you have any questions, please feel free to send me an email.
Best, Amanda
I did have a question for her - what's Edo afraid of?
Also too: Wait - What? "Compliant care?"
Thanks for reading. See you next time. We still need to finish the story about Jack and Jill and Golf and the Hill.