UPDATE 6/20/18 6pm
The American Academy of Nursing issued this press release yesterday:
Separation of Children from their Parents Increases Likelihood of Toxic Stress
Washington, D.C. (June 19, 2018) –– The American Academy of Nursing strongly urges US Secretary of Homeland Security (DHS) Kirstjen Nielsen and US Attorney General Jeff Sessions to reverse the recently released policy guidance on “Zero Tolerance Immigration Prosecutions.”
The purpose of this policy is to deter illegal immigration into the U.S. by prosecuting adults that enter the country unlawfully, during which time they are separated from their children that accompanied them during the journey. This includes those seeking asylum by attempting to cross into the US after fleeing from poverty, war, gang and domestic violence. (snip)
The Academy reiterates its opposition to the inhumane policy of separating a large and growing number of immigrant children from their parents at the US border. The damaging toxic stress this practice burdens children with is not politically or morally justifiable.
The Academy implores the administration to reverse this policy, for the health and safety of the children who are directly impacted by it and for their long-term health.
As nurse leaders we have an obligation to stand against this harmful action and urge the nation to cease such unwarranted and unnecessary action.
UPDATE 6/19/18 4:30pm
"The American Nurses Association (ANA) adamantly opposes the Administration’s policy and practices toward migrants and asylum seekers that result in the forcible separation of children from their families."
Just a start. More, please.
Following yesterday's post, I'm going to start tracking what nursing organizations in the US are saying and doing about the administration's* decision to violate international law, torture families, and piss on the idea of America.
- American Nurses Association - issued statement 6/8/18.
- State nursing associations, alphabetically
- Specialty nursing organizations, alphabetically
- ?
What you can do:
- Call your senators. If any of your senators are Democrats, THANK THEM because all 48 Democratic Senators have endorsed and are co-sponsors of S.3036, The Keep Families Together Act.
If any your senators are republicans, DEMAND they endorse and co-sponsor S.3036, The Keep Families Together Act. So far, none have. 0. Zero. Not one of them. Shameful.
US Capitol switchboard 202-224-3121 - Call your professional organization(s) and urge them to go on the record condemning this action in the clearest terms. 'Troubled' doesn't go far enough. 'Appalled' is getting there. 'Outraged' seems most appropriate in this context.
- Give money, time, energy and more to those organizations directly facing with this on the ground and in the courts:
- Families Belong Together is a site for protest, organizing and resources.
- The RAICES Family Reunification and Bond Fund is raising money to support families seeking reunification and in need of bond money.
- The Catholic Charities Humanitarian Respite Center in McAllen Texas, is on the front lines for post-court support and is seeking donations for families once released. There is an Amazon Wish List as well as a donation mailing address.