- If you think "genocide" is too strong a word, it's not. "Genocide is the deliberate destruction, in whole or in part, by a government or its agents, of a racial, sexual, religious, tribal or political minority. It can involve not only mass murder, but also starvation, forced deportation, and political, economic and biological subjugation. Genocide involves three major components: ideology, technology, and bureaucracy/organization."
Jones, Adam (2016), Genocide: A Comprehensive Introduction, Taylor & Francis, p. 96, ISBN 978-1-317-53385-6 - If you think nurses are somehow immune to being targeted, because "everybody loves nurses," think again. Video Shows Filipina Nurse Assault In Parking Garage - "Go Back To China!" - "Ignacio says she was eating a meal in her parked vehicle when the unnamed woman rammed her shopping cart, containing a child, into Ignacio’s car. Ignacio looked at the woman after she passed the car. At this point, the woman cursed at Ignacio, "what are you looking at b*tch? F*** you chinky Asian!" Ignacio is heard in the video asking, “why are you yelling at me? I should be the one yelling at you because you hit my car.” The other woman continued with the verbal assault - she allegedly proceeded to take Ignacio’s phone and hit her in the face."
- The Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association, HPNA, is my professional organization. I wrote earlier how HPNA issued an award to the undeserving senior senator from Maine. I've been speaking to staff and leadership about the need to withdraw this award in light of the senator's complicity and inaction. That hasn't happened, and neither has HPNA acted on my request to speak out visibly and vocally.
YOUR VOICE IS NEEDED. CONTACT ANA, your state association, and any other nursing organization to URGE ACTION AND RESISTANCE.
I'll say it up front - I'm not a big organization/association kind of person. I think there's value and importance to these entities - they help colleagues connect and learn from each other, and usually have some kind of infrastructure that can be useful for communicating with and mobilizing membership.
A nursing organization can also amplify the voices of individual members, and even of nurses who are not members.
But the inescapable downside is that they move very slowly in response to events. Organizations also seek to avoid controversy. Both of these obstacles must be abolished. These are not normal times.
Here's where things stand with regard to nursing organizations that have taken a stand against genocide, and what should happen next.
American Nurses Association
- ANA calls for an immediate end to immoral and cruel practice of separating children from their families. "ANA adamantly opposes the Administration’s policy and practices toward migrants and asylum seekers that result in the forcible separation of children from their families. These actions put the welfare of immigrant children at risk and are causing irreparable harm..."
- ANA responds to Supreme Court ruling (Muslim Travel Ban)."ANA remains committed to raising our voices in the name of social justice and for the welfare of the sick, injured, and vulnerable in society.”
- Nurses mobilize for health care advocacy on Capitol Hill. "In the wake of ANA’s statements on the separation of migrant families and children, participants expressed their desire to discuss immigration issues during their Hill Day meetings, and were appreciative of ANA’s swift response to represent the voice of nursing."
What else should ANA do?
- Each of the above releases lie buried deep in the ANA's website. They should be prominently displayed and readily accessible from the association's website at the home page level.
- Develop a web page providing access to factual information regarding events, along with the professional and clinical rationale that support action.
- Develop a web page providing access to credible organizations working on this issue in the courts and on the ground. These organizations need our financial support, and may also be channels for members with specific skills to directly participate.
- Develop a web page to support members in contacting elected representatives, including contact information, suggested scripts, and other resources.
- Mobilize membership through email, ground mail, social media, and all other available channels. Promote the ANA's stances on these issues, and promote nursing actions in response to this political humanitarian, and moral crisis.
- Reach out to state affiliates, and support their efforts to mobilize members at the regional, state, and local levels.
- Join with other nursing organizations to develop tools and methods to articulate a response, amplify nursing voices, and promote action that leads to positive change.
American Academy of Nursing
- Separation of Children from their Parents Increases Likelihood of Toxic Stress. "The Academy reiterates its opposition to the inhumane policy of separating a large and growing number of immigrant children from their parents at the US border. The damaging toxic stress this practice burdens children with is not politically or morally justifiable. The Academy implores the administration to reverse this policy, for the health and safety of the children who are directly impacted by it and for their long-term health. As nurse leaders we have an obligation to stand against this harmful action and urge the nation to cease such unwarranted and unnecessary action."
What else should the Academy do?
- This statement also lies buried deep in their website, and is being pushed down on the press release page by subsequent releases. The statement needs to be kept front and center on the main page.
- Mobilize members to sign on in support of the statement, and display that support prominently.
- Join with other nursing organizations to develop tools and methods to articulate a response, amplify nursing voices, and promote action that leads to positive change.
International Family Nursing Association
- IFNA Statement Calls to End the Separation of Migrating Families at the U.S./Mexico Border. "As an organization, the International Family Nursing Association (IFNA) calls for this deplorable, unethical, and harmful practice to stop. We call for the reuniting of families who have been separated. Never again should families be separated in the name of border security. Families belong together...As family nurses, we have a moral obligation to act. Our voices may be our best resource."
What else should IFNA do?
- The statement is prominent on the main page. Keep it there.
- Join with other nursing organizations to develop tools and methods to articulate a response, amplify nursing voices, and promote action that leads to positive change.
Texas Nurses Association
- Texas Nurses Association members, staff and board of directors urge a trauma-informed approach to housing families awaiting processing. "Texas nurses are concerned by the policy of separating children from their families upon entry into the United States. The effects of separation at a young age are traumatic and can have long-lasting health consequences including an increased risk of PTSD, autoimmune diseases, cardiovascular disease and cancer. The long-term health of children is best supported by keeping them with their families and ceasing their separation from parents at the border. The Code of Ethics for Nurses stresses a dedication to preserving the rights of vulnerable groups, including children. Protecting the health of the children affected should be a top priority. We call on our elected officials at all levels to take action immediately to stop the policy of separation, before even more children are irreversibly harmed."
- Also, too: The Texas Nurses Twitter Feed for ongoing information.
What else should Texas Nurses do?
- Get help and support from the national office.
Here's a list of nursing organizations, via Nurses.org
How many have visibly, vocally, and actively spoken out against genocide?
Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses
Academy of Neonatal Nursing
ACNP- American College of Nurse Practitioners
Advanced Practice Nurses of the Ozarks
Advanced Practice Nurses of the Permian Basin
Advanced Practitioners for the River Region
Air & Surface Transport Nurses Association
Alliance for Psychosocial Nursing
Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments
Alzheimer's Association
American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing
American Academy of Nurse Practitioners
***American Academy of Nursing
American Assembly for Men in Nursing
American Assisted Living Nurses Association
American Association for Respiratory Care (AARC)
American Association for the History of Nursing
American Association of Colleges of Nursing
American Association of Critical Care Nurses
American Association of Diabetes Educators
American Association of Heart Failure Nurses
American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants
American Association of Managed Care Nurses
American Association of Moderate Sedation Nurses
American Association of Neuroscience Nurses
American Association of Nigerian Nurses
American Association of Nurse Anesthetists
American Association of Nurse Assessment Coordinators
American Association of Nurse Attorneys
American Association of Nurse Life Care Planners
American Association of Occupational Health Nurses
American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Nurses
American Board for Occupational Health Nurses
American Board of Nursing Specialties
American College Health Association
American College of Cardiovascular Nurses
American College of Nurse Midwives
American Diabetes Association
American Forensic Nurses
American Heart Association: Council on Cardiovascular Nursing
American Holistic Nurses Association
American Long Term & Sub Acute Nurses Association
American Medical Association
American Medical Informatics Association/ Nursing Informatics Working Group
American Nephrology Nurses Association
***American Nurses Association
American Nurses Credentialing Center
American Nursing Informatics Association
American Organization of Nurse Executives
American Psychiatric Nurses Association
American Radiological Nurses Association
American Society for Pain Management Nursing
American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition: Nurses Section
American Society of Ophthalmic Registered Nurses
American Society of Peri-Anesthesia Nurses
American Society of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgical Nurses, Inc.
American Thoracic Society: Nurses Section
Army Nurse Corps Association
Arthritis Foundation
Association for Nursing Professional Development
Association for Radiologic & Imaging Nursing
Association of Camp Nurses
Association of Child Neurology Nurses
Association of Community Health Nursing Educators
Association of Faculties of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners
Association of Nurse Practitioners in Business, Inc.
Association of Nurses in Aids Care
Association of Nurses in AIDS Care
Association of Pediatric Oncology Nurses
Association of periOperative Registered Nurses
Association of Rehabilitation Nurses
Association of Women's Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nursing
Baromedical Nurses Association
Carolinas Association of Neonatal Nurse Practitioners
Center for American Nurses
Center to Champion Nursing in America
Certification Board of Perioperative Nursing
Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Inc.
Coalition for Nurses in Advanced Practice
Developmental Disabilities Nurses Association
Dermatology Nurses' Association
Eastern Nursing Research Society (ENRS)
Emergency Nurses Association
Endocrine Nurses Society
Federal Nurses Association
Gerontological Advanced Practice Nurses Association
Home Healthcare Nurses Association
Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association***(see note below)
Infusion Nurses Society (see intravenous)
Lupus Foundation of America
Midwest Nursing Research Society
Muscular Dystrophy Association
NAPNAP Foundation
National Academy of Dermatology Nurse Practitioners
National Association Directors of Nursing Administration/Long Term Care
National Association of Bariatric Nurses
National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists
National Association of Directors of Nursing Administration in Long Term Care
National Association of Disease Management & Wellness Professionals
National Association of Hispanic Nurses
National Association of Independent Nurses
National Association of Licensed Practical Nurses
National Association of Neonatal Nurses
National Association of Nurse Practitioner Faculties
National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women's Health
National Association of Orthopaedic Nurses
National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners
National Association of Rural Health Clinics
National Association of School Nurses
National Association of State School Nurse Consultants
National Black Nurses Association, Inc.
National Certification Board of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners and Nurses
National Coalition of Ethnic Minority Nurse Associations
National Council of State Boards of Nursing
National Federation for Specialty Nursing Organizations
National Federation of Licensed Practical Nurses
National Fibromyalgia Partnership
National Gerontological Nurses Association
National Heart Lung and Blood Institute
National Hospice & Palliative Care Organization
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
National Institute of Nursing Research
National League for Nursing
National Multiple Sclerosis Society
National Nurses in Business Association
National Nursing Staff Development Organization
National Organization for Associate Degree Nursing
National Organization of Associate Degree Nurses
National Organization of Practical Nursing Education and Service
National Practitioner Associates for Continuing Education
National Private Duty Association
National Student Nurses Association
Navy Nurse Corps Association
NCNA Council of Nurse Practitioners - Coastal Region
NCNA Council of Nurse Practitioners Eastern Region
NCNA Council of Nurse Practitioners Wake Central Region
North American Nursing Diagnosis Association
Northeast Pediatric Cardiology Nurses Association
Northern Nurse Practitioner Association
Northwest Organization of Nurse Executives
NP Council of Miami-Dade
Nurse Practitioner Healthcare Foundation
Nurse Practitioner Society of the Dermatology Nurses’ Association
Nurse Practitioners in Women’s Health
Nurse Practitioners: It’s About Time
Nurse Without Borders
Nurses Christian Fellowship
Nurses Organization of Veterans Affairs
Nurses Peer Support Network
Nursing Ethics Network
Nursing Network on Violence Against Women International
Oncology Nurses Society
Pediatric Endocrinology Nursing Society
Philippine Nurses Association of America
Respiratory Nursing Society
Sigma Theta Tau, Delta Beta, Chapter-At-Large
Sigma Theta Tau, International Honor Society of Nursing
Society for Vascular Nursing
Society of Gastroenterology Nurses and Associates, Inc.
Society of Nurses in Advanced Practice
Society of Otorhinolaryngology and Head/Neck Nurses
Society of Pediatric Nurses
Society of Trauma Nurses
Society of Urologic Nurses and Associates
Southern Gulf Coast Nurse Practitioner Council
The National Association of Pediatric Nurse Associates and Practitioners
The National Association of School Nurses for the Deaf
The National Forum of State Nursing Workforce Centers
Transcultural Nursing Society
Travel Nursing
Treasure Coast Nurse Practitioners
Uniformed Nurse Practitioner Association
Valley Advanced Practice Nurse Association
Visiting Nurse Associations of America (VNAA)
Volusia Flagler Advanced Practice Nursing Council
West Coast Council of Advanced Nursing Practice
West Sound Advanced Practice Association
Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society (WOCN)
Central Alabama Nurse Practitioner Association
North Alabama Nurse Practitioner Association
Nurse Practitioner Alliance of Alabama
River Region Advanced Practitioners
West Alabama Nurse Practitioners
Alaska Nurse Practitioner Association
Alaska Nurses Association
Alaska Professional Nurses Organization
Department of Health and Social Services, Section of Public Health Nursing
Department of Labor, Alaska Job Center Network, Health Care Employment Search
National Alaska Native American Indian Nurses Association
American Psychiatric Nurses Association (Arizona Chapter)
Arizona Association of Nurse Anesthetists
Arizona Cannabis Nurses Association
Arizona Emergency Nurses Association
Arizona Nurses Association
Arizona Organization of Nurse Executives
Arizona Public Health Association
Black Nureses Association of the Greater Phoenix Area
Philippine Nurses Association of Arizona
School Nurses of Organization of Arizona
The National Association of Hispanic Nurses (Phoenix Chapter)
American Psychiatric Nurses Association (Arkansas Chapter)
Arkansas Nurse Practitioner Association
Arkansas Nurses Association
Arkansas School Nurses Association
Arkansas State Board of Nursing
Bay Area Nurse Practitioner Association
California Coalition of Nurse Practitioners
Coachella Valley Chapter of Nurse Practitioners
Northern California Chapter of GAPNA
Nurse Practitioner Council of Palm Beach County
Orange County NAPNAP Chapter
Sacramento Valley Chapter of NAPNAP
San Diego Chapter of NAPNAP
San Francisco Bay Area Chapter of the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners
Sarasota County Nurse Practitioners
Silicon Valley Chapter for Nurse Practitioners
Colorado Rocky Mountain Chapter of NAPNAP
Colorado Society of Advance Practice Nurses
Colorado Society of Clinical Specialists in Psychiatric Nursing
Northern Colorado Nurse Practitioner’s Coalition
Southern Colorado Advanced Practice Nursing Association
CAPHN| Connecticut Association of Public Health Nurses
Connecticut Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Society
Connecticut Nurses Association
Advanced Practice Nurse Council of the Delaware Nurses Association
Delaware Coalition of Nurse Practitioners
District of Columbia
Nurse Practitioner Association of the District of Columbia
Central Florida Advanced Nurse Practitioner Council
Florida Association of Neonatal NPs
Florida Association of Nurse Practitioners
Florida Chapter of GAPNA
Florida Chapter of NAPNAP
Florida Coalition of Advanced Practice Nursing
Florida Gulf Coast Chapter of GAPNA
Florida Gulf Coast Chapter of NAPNAP
Florida Nurse Practitioner Network - FNPN
Florida Nurses Association
Florida Panhandle Nurse Practitioner Coalition
Manatee Area Council for Advanced Nursing Practice - MACANP
North Central Florida Advanced Practice Nurses
Nurse Practitioner Council of Collier County
Nurse Practitioner Council of Miami-Dade
South Florida Council of Advanced Practice Nurses, Inc.
Tallahassee Area Council of Advanced Practice Nurses
Tampa Bay Advanced Practice Nurses Council
Tampa Bay Simulation Network
Atlanta Chapter United Advanced Practice Registered Nurses
Central Georgia Advanced Practice Registered Nurses
Georgia Chapter of GAPNA
Georgia Nurses Association
Gwinnett Chapter United Advanced Practice Registered Nurses
South Georgia Association of Nurse Practitioners
United Advanced Practice Registered Nurses of Georgia
United Advanced Practice Registered Nurses of West Georgia
Wiregrass Nurse Practitioner Association
Asian American/Pacific Islander Nurses Association
Hawaii Association of Professional Nurses
Hawaii Nurses Association
Student Nurses Association (SNA)
The American Organization of Nurse Executives (AONE)
Idaho Nurses Association
Idaho Nurses Association
Nurse Practictioners of Idaho
Wake Central Nurse Practitioner Council
Chicago Chapter of NAPNAP
Illinois Chicago Chapter - National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners
Illinois Nurses Association
Illinois Society for Advanced Practice Nursing
Indiana Chapter of NAPNAP
Intermountain Advanced Practice Nurses Association
Iowa Association of Nurse Practitioners IANP
Iowa Society of Nurse Practitioners
Greater Kansas City Chapter of NAPNAP
Kansas State Nurses Association
Lake County PA & NP Organization
Kentucky Nurses Association
Kentucky Coalition of Nurse Practitioners and Nurse Midwives
Louisiana State Nurses Association
Louisiana Nursing Home Association
Louisiana Center For Nurisng
Louisiana Association of Student Nurses
Louisiana Association of Nurse Practitioners
American Nurses Association- Maine
Maine NP Association
Maine SGNA Home- Maine SGNA
Maine Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses
Maine State Nurses Association- National Nurses United
OMNE: Nursing Leaders of Maine
Maryland Academy of Advanced Practice Clinicians
Maryland Nurses Association
Nurse Practitioner Association of Maryland
The NP Association of Maryland
Massachusetts Nurses Association
Massachusetts Coalition of Nurse Practitioners
Great Lakes Chapter of GAPNA
Michigan Council of Nurse Practitioners
Michigan League for Nursing (MLN)
Michigan Nurses Association
Association of Southeastern Minnesota Nurse Practitioners
Minnesota Affiliate of National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists
Minnesota Association of Occupational Health Nurses
Minnesota Chapter of the Developmental Disabilities Nursing Association
Minnesota Directors of Nursing Administration
Minnesota Licensed Practical Nurses Association
Minnesota Nurse Practitioners
Minnesota Nurses Association
Minnesota Organization of Leaders in Nursing
Minnesota Organization of Registered Nurses
School Nurse Organization of Minnesota
Mississipi Nurses Association
Mississippi Association of Nurse Practitioners
Mississippi Nurses Association, NP Special Interest Group
Missouri Coalition of Nurses in Advanced Practice
Missouri Nurses Association
Montana Nurses Association
Nebraska Nurses Association
Nebraska Nurse Practitioner
Nevada Advanced Practice Nurses Association
Nevada Nurses Association
New Hampshire
New Hampshire NP Association
New Hampshire Nurses Association
New Jersey
New Jersey State Nurses Association
New Mexico
New Mexico Center for Nursing Excellence
New Mexico Emergency Nurses Association
New Mexico Native American Indian Nurses Association
New Mexico NP Counsel
New Mexico Nurses Association
New York
New York State Nurses Association
NP Association of New York State
NPA Brooklyn Queens Chapter
NPA Capital Chapter New York
NPA Long Island Chapter
NPA Manhattan Bronx Chapter
NPA Mohawk Valley Chapter
NPA Staten Island Chapter
NPA Tompkins Cortland Chapter
Nurse Practitioners of New York
The Nurse Practitioner Association Greater Rochester
The Nurse Practitioner Association New York State
North Carolina
Metrolina Coalition of Nurse Practitioners
North Carolina Nurses Association
North Dakota
North Dakota Nurses Association
North Dakota Nurse Practitioner Association
Northeast Ohio Nurse Practitioners
Ohio Association of Advanced Practice Nurses
Ohio Chapter of GAPNA
Ohio Nurses Association
Association of Oklahoma Nurse Practitioners
Oklahoma Nurses Association
Nurse Practitioners of Oregon
Oregon Holistic Nurses Association
Oregon Nurses Association
PAs and NPs of the Florida Keys
Polk County Advanced Practice Nurses Association
Berks County Nurse Practitioners
BuxMont Nurse Practitioner Group
Nurse Practitioners of Central Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania Coalition of Nurse Practitioners
Pennsylvania Nurses Association
Pennsylvania-Delaware Valley Chapter of the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners
Pennyslvania Nurses Association
Redding Area PA & NP Alliance
Student Nurses Association of Pennsylvania
Rhode Island
Rhode Island State Nurses Association
Association of Nurses in AIDS Care (Rhode Island Chapter)
Nurse Practitioner Alliance of Rhode Island
Student Nurses' Association of Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Carolina Nurses Coalition
South Carolina State House
South Dakota
South Dakota Nurses Association
Nurse Practitioner Association of South Dakota
Chattanooga Area Nurses in Advanced Practice
Greater Memphis Area Advanced Practice Nurses
Middle Tennessee Advanced Practice Nurses
Northeast Tennessee Nurse Practitioners Association
Tennessee Council of Advanced Practice Nurses
Tennessee Nurses Association
West Tennessee Nurse Practitioners Alliance
Austin Advanced Practice Nurses
Brazos Valley Nurse Practitioner Association
Denton Area Advanced Practice Nurses
East Texas Nurse Practitioner Association
Galveston Coalition of Advanced Practice Nurses - GCAPN
Houston Area Chapter of NAPNAP
Houston Area Nurse Practitioners - HANP
Metro West North Texas Nurse Practitioners
North Harris Montgomery Advanced Practice Nurse Society
North Texas Nurse Practitioners
Texas Clinical Nurse Specialists - TxCNS
Texas Gulf Coast Chapter of GAPNA
Texas Nurse Practitioners
***Texas Nurses Association
Utah Certified Nurse-Midwives
Utah Chapter of NAPNAP
Utah Nurse Practitioners, Inc
Utah Nurses Association
Vermont Nurse Practitioners Association
Victoria Area Nurse Practitioners
Virginia Council of NPs
Virginia Council of Nurse Practitioners
ARNPs United of Washington State
Association of Eastside Nurse Practitioners
Midwives of Washington
Mount Baker Nurse Practitioners Association
Puget Sound Chapter of the Oncology Nursing Society
WA State Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Newsletter
WA State NP Group
Washington State Nurses Association
Welcome to Puget Sound NP Association
Washington DC
see District of Columbia
West Virginia
West Virginia Nurses Association
West Virginia Association of Nurse Anesthetists
Metro Milwaukee Nurse Practitioners
Wisconsin Nurses Association
Wyoming Council for Advanced Practice Nursing
Wyoming Nurses Association
Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools
ICN- International Council of Nurses
International Association for Human Caring
International Association of Forensic Nurses
International Association of Nurse Anesthetists
International Child Health Nursing Alliance
International Childbirth Education Association
International Council of Nurses
International Council of Nurses Nurse Practitioner/Advanced Practice Nursing Network
***International Family Nursing Association
International Network for Doctoral Education in Nursing
International Nurses Society on Addictions
International Nurses Society on Addictions
International Organization of Multiple Sclerosis Nurses
International Society for Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurses
International Society of Nurses in Cancer Care
International Society of Nurses in Genetics