Call HPNA at 412-787-9301 and let them know how you feel, and urge them to speak out now.
TL;DR version:
The HPNA executive committee has doubled down on a bad decision - namely to let the senior senator from Maine keep the 2018 HPNA Presidential Citation, an award she did not deserve.
They've also decided to NOT follow the American Academy of Nursing, the American Nurses Association, and almost 10% of the nursing organizations who have so far taken a stand against genocide.
In case you think 'genocide' is overstating things:
"Genocide is the deliberate destruction, in whole or in part, by a government or its agents, of a racial, sexual, religious, tribal or political minority. It can involve not only mass murder, but also starvation, forced deportation, and political, economic and biological subjugation. Genocide involves three major components: ideology, technology, and bureaucracy/organization."
Jones, Adam (2006), "Chapter 1: The Origins of Genocide" (PDF), Genocide: A Comprehensive Introduction, Routledge/Taylor & Francis Publishers, pp. 15–18, ISBN 0-415-35385-8
Full(er) story:
This is very troubling news for the public, the nursing profession, and especially to nurses working in palliative care and hospice:
Here's the text:
Hi Jerry,
I wanted to follow-up with you.
The members of HPNA’s executive committee have discussed your concerns and we will not be rescinding the Presidential Citation Award that was given to Senator Susan Collins at the Annual Assembly in March of 2018.
We also discussed and decided that we are not going to release a statement from the organization regarding the ICE policy of separating families at the U.S. border. We use our Public Policy Guiding Principles to guide our public policy positions and actions. I will attach the principles for your review. They are also in the Advocacy section of HPNA’s website.
Thank you for sharing your concerns with me and with HPNA.
Debra Wiegand RN, PhD
HPNA President
Here's the text of the "Public Policy Guiding Principles:"
HPNA Public Policy Guiding Principles
1. HPNA asserts that it is the responsibility and obligation of clinicians to address hospice and palliative care public policy and regulatory issues that impact the health related quality of life of patients and caregivers living with serious illness.
2. HPNA takes a leadership and advocacy role to ensure equitable access to comprehensive palliative care as defined by the National Consensus Project Clinical Guidelines for Quality Palliative Care, across the life span and illness continuums. HPNA serves on the Steering Committee of the National Coalition for Hospice and Palliative Care. HPNA also works collaboratively with other national coalitions.
3. HPNA works independently and collaboratively to promote ethical and competent provision of hospice and palliative care based upon the expressed goals of the patient and family caregivers.
4. HPNA takes a leadership and advocacy role in regulatory issues and public education regarding the legitimate use and appropriate access to medications.
5. HPNA advocates for nursing workforce funding and professional education issues as they impact hospice and palliative care.
6. HPNA advocates for equitable funding for hospice and palliative care research.
7. HPNA supports improved access to comprehensive health care for appropriate management of physical and emotional symptoms that allows patients to achieve the highest quality of life through the relief of suffering in all of its manifestations.
To learn more about HPNA and its current public policy/advocacy efforts, please visit
Revised 07/2014 Reviewed 06/2014